Night diver image
Fondo mar turquesa

The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is the next step after obtaining the Open Water Diver certification. Here is a detailed explanation of what it consists of:

Course Objective:

The PADI Advanced Open Water diver course aims to enhance students' diving skills and increase their underwater experience. It provides the opportunity to explore different areas of diving and specialize in specific types of dives.

Course Structure:

- Adventure Dives:

The course consists of five different adventure dives, each focusing on a specific skill or type of diving. These dives may include:

- Underwater Navigation:

Learn to navigate underwater using a compass and natural landmarks.

- Deep Dive:

Descend to a maximum depth of 30 meters (100 feet), exploring differences in pressure and light at greater depths.

- Peak Performance Buoyancy:

Perfect buoyancy skills and control of position in the water.

- Search and Recovery:

Learn techniques to search for and recover lost objects underwater.

- Night Dive:

Experience diving under moonlight or with special lights.

Theoretical Study:

Students review theoretical material related to the adventure dives they will undertake. This may include readings, videos, and quizzes.

Open Water Dives:

After reviewing theory, students complete the five planned adventure dives under the supervision of an instructor. During these dives, students apply what they have learned in a real diving environment.

Requirements for the PADI Advanced Open Water Course:

- Must have Open Water Diver certification or equivalent.

- Must be at least 12 years old (some adventure dives may require a higher minimum age).

- Complete the theoretical and practical learning requirements of the course.

Course Duration:

The duration of the course may vary depending on the specific dive center's program and student availability. Typically, it involves a minimum of two days, during which the five adventure dives are completed.

Certification Benefits:

- Enhances diving skills and boosts confidence underwater.

- Provides the opportunity to explore different aspects of diving and specialize in specific areas.

- Internationally recognized as an advanced diving certification.

In summary, the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is an excellent way to expand your diving skills and explore new areas of the underwater world, all under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

PADI Advanced open water Course

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